Last night I went to a White Trash Bash with my room mate. On my way there a man walked out into the sidewalk in front of me and said the following: "Stangers, please help me restore my faith in humanity. All day I have worked, nay I have toiled, away in a hot kitchen to create the world's most amazing chilli. Now as I stand here on this sidewalk attempting to spread this joy to the world, I find very few who will partake. Please indulge me and taste my chilli." I liked what seemed to be the underlying message of his overture, so after seeing him take a bite I did so as well. It truly was delicious, but then of course my breath smelled like chilli. The party was fairly boring, but fun to dress up for. At one point I jumped of a second story balcony to chase a ping pong ball we needed to finish our beer pong game. Now my foot and ankle hurt very badly. I left the party early, dissappointed to have found so many girls and so few men. What can I say, I like male attention. On my way home I decided to go one block out of my way to see if the Chilli Guy and his friends were still in their same locale. Sure enough, there he remained on his stoop. I went and sat next to him, he apparently remembered me. A few of his friends came out. Over the next several hours I had the best conversation I had had in months. Amusing annecdotes, literature discussions, well-informed philosophic interchanges, and alot of big laughs. I was amazed to find people who spoke like this; they are so rare and so exciting. They were actually quite surprised by my ability to keep up, which I appreciated. The night did not turn out at all as I had expected, much better I must say.
This morning my foot is killing me. I had what could have turned into a full-on binge this morning, but I curbed the behavior in time. I ate a large bowl of cereal, half a bag of chips (the healthier kind, 400 calories in half the bag), and a fat-free latte bar. These things total about 900 calories, so I think if I just pace myself properly the rest of today I shouldn't have a problem staying within the guideline set forth by my nutritionist. Right now, however, I feel rather fat and disgusting. Ugh.
Today I have to complete a statistics assignment that I know will take me about six hours. I also have to go to the grocery and clean the bathrooms. It is a day off from the gym (thank god, my foot couldn't handle it!), so it seems this will be doable.
I am so greatful for the chance interactions such as that occurring last night that allow people to reach out and connect with those they have never met. These three quirky guys, who I hope I run into again but do not know for sure, really gave me hope that thinking, real people are all around me and that there are so many I can connect with in this world. Yay!
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