So I made it through Thursday without bingeing!!! I don't think that has happened since probably May. On the down side, I failed to go to class, skipped a meeting and spent the night at a concert drunk, stoned and rolling... Hey, we can only fix one problem at a time here. Right now, I am celebrating what feels like a HUGE victory.
Today I have my first appointment at the Counceling Center where I get to meet with an Eating Disorder Specialist and have an "evaluation". I am not sure what this entails, but for some reason I envision the result being me crying...
So today, to avoid bingeing, here is my plan:
Shower and dress so I feel decently attractive, actually go to class and to this appointment... then what? I feel like the afternoon is so vulnerable. Right after lunch and right after dinner are when I am most "at risk of exhibiting symptoms". Well, after dinner I am going to a girlfriend's place and staying the night, because my room mates will not be home and I can NOT be left alone. But what about this afternoon... I will have to just leave the apartment and go work at a coffee house, I need to "remove myself".
I am so freakin' proud right now, I did it!!! I felt for so long like I had platteaued (sp?) at this place where I was just going to be sick and self-loathing Thursday through Saturday, but yesterday I did not binge, and after a slow morning I had a fantastic eve.
Can't stop me now!