So Thursday is the point at which I usually break down. I am taking this one day at a time and am determined to make it through today without bingeing. Sunday through Wednesday are always fine, and then somehow shit hits the fan. I have a lack of structured time, I find myself alone in the apartment, I am forced to be alone with my own thoughts.I have bought some new self-help books (how lame am I? I love going up to the Barnes & Noble counter with those babys...) about overcoming binge eating, and I have been journaling a LOT to try and stay centered.
I've been reading this one book a little everyday, including this morning, to try and stay on track. I met with my nurtitionist on Tuesday, and she for the first time seemed really genuinely frusterated with me. I was pretty unhappy about this, it was a stressful appointment. She had always been very relaxed and said I was doing better than I thought I was. Not this week.
Anyway, she said what I had to do was structure my time, as in write a schedule for my weekend so that I didn't find myself aimless and eating. I made little sheets that say what I ought tobe doing hour-by-hour, and put stars by the times that I predict will be particularly vulnerable.
For starters: Now I am to go to the gym, shower and dress (preppy today so I feel motivated to get some work done), and then go to class. Then I need to come home, eat lunch, and then be at the library or the lab from lunch to dinner. Will update.
Wish me luck!!!
Best wishes on the search for a cure. I love your sincerity and honesty in your posts.
Greetings from London.
I do wish you good health - don't attribute your victories to luck, they're a result of YOUR hard work. :) I do hope the schedule helps. It's helped me in the past.
I lost your email. :( what is it again? So the site is not complete yet, so do look at it again after it's officially unveiled, but you can advertise it now as www.healthymodels.org. pretty cool domain, huh? Thanks so much for your help! Lemme know if you'd like a leadership position
I agree with KC Elaine. Your victories are due to your own hard work! Give yourself credit for them! Having a schedule helps me a lot.
Thanks for support! I was having my usual Thursday feelings most of the day, but I actually currently feel pretty in control.
I am feeling pretty determined to get through the day at this point, and your comments seriously help me feel a little more connected to the world and on top of my game.
I was just about to write a post on how much I HATE Thursday! Gotta be a connection there somewhere....
good luck this week and thanks for stopping by on my blog.
good luck then.
honest blog, nice post.
Good luck. It´s funny you say that about being OK Sunday - Monday and the shit hitting the fan on Thursday, I have the same problem! Thursday friday saturday are a night mare, and sunday I´m all resolved and so the weekly cycle continues!
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