So I am once again entirely impressed and excited for/with/about my J. The man has been through a lot this year, and since I met him he has still been drowning that sorrow with the bottle, and smoking like a mack truck. I usually wouldn't date someone who behaved this way, but he has always maintained composure (and had a fairly legit reason) so I decided I'd give him a little time.
Yesterday he texted me and said he wasn't up for the Tuesday night trivia/drinking game we usually play this at local martini bar, that he wanted to finally kick his lingering chest cold. I almost commented then that maybe he should just stop smoking pot for like six hours, but he saved me from my snide remark with a suggestion of Thai food instead (Yay!!).
Over dinner he told me he is cutting way back drinking, smoking and all other drugs entirely for a while. I of course told him I thought that was a great idea and I would support him 100%. Haha, for some reason he seemed surprised that I was all for this idea.
Drinking, smoking and hard drugs (which I thought only meant like heroin, but I guess the acid, coke and speed I so enjoy count too) have definitely been a road block in my ED recovery. When I party hard, I end up staying out all night and being overtired, feeling guilty about all the calories in booze, and feeling like I am being unhealthy. All of these things DEFINITELY precipitate binging. Repeatedly, my therapist has brought this up, and I have refused to really acknowledge it as a problem. However, I think having J decide it's time to clean up is exactly the kick in the pants I need.
I have a bio test tonight, after which I am going out, and there is a hippie concert Thursday that will likely be a shit show. I am calling these next couple of days my last hoorah for a while, and then I am going to seriously scale back. No smoking, no hard drugs (whatever that even means) and limited drinking (say 1-2 nights a week at 3 max drinks a piece as opposed to my usual 5-6 nights at 6+).
I am soo excited to get healthy with my man. He's from California, so he has a lot of the crazy health nut tendencies (obsession with soy products and herbal teas, all-organic bath goo...), and I am totally willing to get into that stuff with him.
Any suggestions on what sober people do to have fun in the winter? Sex and movies can only keep me going for soo long...
Wish me luck!!!
all right you go girl!!! I know how hard it is to kick the drinking and drugging ( still working on it) but more power to you for giving it a go!!!
I can attest that staying up all night and partying definatley sets you up for Ed behaviors, being tired leads to non straight thinking and that well that just equals bad.
My T suggested going to a book store and just browsing around to see what your interests are, you dont nessacarily have to pick out a book just look around and see what kind of things perk your might suprize yourself.
Yoga is a good thing to get into , its my goal for the winter, and with a man who is into "health" it should make your life easier.
good luck on your new "life" I will be interested to her how you do!
much love, Z
Sounds interesting and challenging, good luck! I would say hard drugs are anything aboce class C, or simply put, anything harder than smoking upe , which isn't even 'hard' at all in le drug world, in my opinion. Only an opinion though, I'm not exactly an expert, lol!
FUn things in winter for sobre people, hmmmmmm..... I tend to read, hibernate, study, and drink oh and be bulimic. I've spent the past 3 winters wrapped in a blanket stitched at the seams with bulimia, sorry!
But, I'm sure there's plenty to do. SHops are goo dat this time of year, as are coffee houses. Books are new worlds, and writing is just, ...well! Art and visual journaling is time consuming. YOu can get amazing photo's at this time of year as well. TV quality also tends to pick up at this time of year because more people are inside at home snuggling on the sofa or generally hibernating.
JUst ideas. ALso, the beeding free bed means I have no sheets on it. I'm just lazy and only do half a job when it comes to household work! SO I have to deal with the consequences, like no sheets and mess!
Virginia x
I think this is a good decision. I have family members who are in their mid- 40's and still use. Its no good. Its much better to get it under control while you are young.
Good for you two! It's always easier to slow down or stop when you have others to work with on the same goal. Here is my two cents on suggestions: As you are probably aware, pretty much the only way to get rid of bad habits is to REPLACE them with good ones. Doing something healthy (such as a sport) is excellent because it actually contradicts the bad habits. Like when I run, I know that any of that shit is going to affect my workout & I'm more likely to get into that "healthy" mind-set. You can always start some sort of hobby that might appeal to you. Take some drum lessons, make pottery, join a hiking club - whatever.
It's really nice to see other people progressing through this sort of thing. It's very encouraging & I hope that my blog does the same for you at least some of the time, lol.
Kudos, my friend! ;)
for fun...I really like dressing up. or do you already do that? I also enjoy art and reading.
Ideas on what to do with your time: Meditation, go to an aa meeting, skydive, mountain climb, skateboard, jiujitsu, snowboard...hang glide.
Thanks so much for all of the support!!!
Z- I really love book stores, but haven't been in soo long. Thanks for that, will go this weekend :)
C- I really appreciate your support, and it totally helps me to read your stuff and know someone else is going through it.
Seriously, all the support and ideas are SOO appreciated, I am actually getting excited about this!
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