As such, I will dedicate this post to:
1. I love myself. I am proud of my accomplishments, respect the person I am and fully embrace my present self. Hell, I even like the way I look naked :)

2. I have time to really pay attention to all the relationships in my life. When I was in ED mode, I never felt I had enough time for my friends and family, let alone the ability to maintain a great relationship. Now I feel so surrounded by love, it's incredible.
3. I'm happy. I am less stressed, more appreciative, more connected and generally feel lucky to be meandering this Earth (as opposed to resentful about having to do so).

4. I am more successful. Without ED I am much more competent in the lab and less tressed, and my colleagues have noticed. My lab director told me the other day how far I had come recently. I am calm, focused and crazy about my work. Yeeaahh neuroscience research, bring it on Grad School!

5. I have time to figure out what my interests are and enjoy them. I read, blog, paint, sculpt... all these parts of me that ED occluded have re-emerged. The other day I bought 30 feet of butcher paper (a little impulsive) and today I played with it:

Haha, no Kandinsky but I had fun.
The point is, recovery rocks. And I want to thank everyone who helped get me to this point because the little blog community serious helped. To those still struggling: There is hope! You can do it! Please know there is another side, with so much life and love to be had!
So much love,
While this is all EXCELLENT news I am most compelled tell you you have adorable hair. Someday I will get the balls to cut my hair short...someday...
Glad you are doing so well though!!!!
Oh Kim, I am so proud of you. One month binge free is awesome! Remember that slippage will probably happen and that recovery is not always smooth- hell, it's rarely smooth- but that it is important to just pick yourself up and begin again. That being said, I think it is amazing that you have broken the binge/purge cycle. :) You truly have come very far in only one month!
I'm very happy for you:) I also must agree with Caitlin that your hair just plain rocks!
I ditto Caitlin and CAKS about you're hair being awesome but more importantly, this is such a HUGE milestone, wow!
And people's comments on the difference really goes to show how far you've come!In-cred-ib-le!
<3 V
p.s - your painting is cool. I like it!
Once again I am compelled to tell you just how amazed I am by how far you have come in such a short time...what do you think the turning point was, what triggered your recovery?? Im curios cause I am struggleing so much right now and I cant seem to find balance, you seemed to have balanced it all and are so happy, I am so very proud of you!!!
COngratulations on finding LIFE!!!!
Love, Z
Thanx for the visit and the comment and congrats on your one month aniversary. Greetings from crappy New Mexico, Melody Lee
Caitlin- Thanks! I'm flattered :)
Em- Thanks for the sobering advice, good to keep n mind, esp for us all-or-nothing ed types
CAKS- Thanks so much :)
V-Thanks a ton, I can't wait to read this stuff in your posts. and on the painting... well thnks but it's certainly no virginia :)
Z- my turning point was really my decision ton fight full force like a cancer- therapist, nutritionist, exercise councelor, self-help books, meds for a short while, journals, blog, everything at once. after about 100 days of that, something clicked. like i said to v, can't wait to read this on your blog.
Mel- hey again! glad you came by! and at least your warm in nm...
You have made some great points.
I am so proud of you! I love this post! Isn't it amazing what happens without an ED?
Leon- I love new readers! Thanks!
Kyla- I am so glad that you are doing so well too, and yes it is amazing. un friggan believable. Yay! Go us!
How are you doing today sweetheart? I came back to reread your post to give me some hope, It up lifted my spirits to see a feelow struggeler doing so ROCK!!!
love, Z
Aww, sorry to hear your having such difficulties Z. Post today I promise!
Holy shit! Not only are you a total babe, but you are also talented and insightful, compassionate and humble... Hook a sista up with yo' bad self... yummmmy!
Awesome Kim! Isn't it WONDERFUL when you realize how great life can be????
Keep enjoying your newfound freedom. It rocks!
L,E,R- Haha, Thank you mucho! Wow, your making me blush :) It's true I am quite the fortunate broad.
SitR- FREEDOM- That's exactly what it is!!! I haven't been able to really put the right word to it- life is fuller, happier- but FREE, that is the true difference. I am no longer imprisoned by that awful illness. Seriously, I think you just inadvertantly gave me a revelation!
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