Enthusiastic: I have lots of interviews coming up as well as fun concert excursions. I am getting really pumped about moving in with J this summer. I am ready to graduate college and move on the the next awesome phase of my life.
Excited: I get to go to killer concerts, travel to different cities, meet new people and use fun drugs this weekend.
Nervous: This weekend, I expect to be highly fucked up in unknown places with strangers.
Stress: I have to be writing my thesis, going to interviews, getting a ton of lab work done and keeping my grades up. I also am not going to work this semester, so I will be racking up some lovely debt.
Loved: J is incredibly supportive and never lets me forget how much he loves me. We are going to cook dinner together tonight and have a quiet evening at home. I was so lonely for so long, so this one really feels incredible.
Nostalgic: I just had lunch with my girlfriends and we were reminiscing about all of the times we've had in college and how it's coming to a close.
Accepted: I finally, for once in my life, have a group of fantastic girlfriends who I am open and close with.
Guilt: I have been neglecting my friends to some extent lately because I have wanted to spend so much time with J.
Apprehension: I really want to put everything into this life I am starting with J, but I am still worried about whether he will always be able to keep his drinking under control. He goes out a lot less, but when he does go out he gets fucked the hell up every time and it scares me. He and I have been talking about it and I want to have full faith he will continue to get better and better, but I am unsure.
Pretty: I had a follow-up interview for that GRE prep course I want to teach, and I am wearing my pretty blue eye-matching interview shirt.
Energetic: J and I got up early and went to the gym this morning. I had an awesome workout and feel great from it.
Worried: My Mom's mental illness has gotten really out of control lately. She may have to be institutionalized and I am really afraid of how that will affect my 13-year-old sister.
So, there you have it, the inner working of my head unveiled.
Great exercise! Here's nother one I do that helps when your mind is worrying about everything & making you crazy:
Write down every little thing that you are currently worrying about, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Then, next to each one write down what you can do about every one of them. Some you will find that there's really nothing in your power you can do, so you just let those go. It seems to help me a lot, so I thought I'd share:) If anything, it stops your mind from doing what my former therapist would call "the swirlies", lol.
The above comment shares some great advice.
Wow, I've never heard of this feelings exercise, but I love it. I'm going to have to do it too. Thank you Kim and thank you Kyla. I hope this exercise proved to be helpful and insightful to you. You rock!
coke- that's really awesome advice. i will definitely do that, probably tomorrow. i thank you very much, i'll let ya kno how it works out :)
princess- wow, we have two thuimbs up, now I know i gotta try it!
kara- i really hope it works for me, it always helps me to feel more in touch.
I read this news article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/20/AR2009012002369.html and thought of you. May you attain what it is that is worth attaining.
kevin- this is so interesting! thank you! i looked up the original study via pubmed and it seems like the authors have some pretty compelling evidence for the disconnect they found between women's thoughts about controlling their hunger and the way their brains seemed to be behaving. i really appreciate this!
awesome work...Ill be back later for a better comment, know I am thinking of you and am doing well
Love, Z
zena! I am soo glad to hear from you! I was so worried! I'm off to go see if you have left an update...
I think it's great to go through your emotions like this. mind if I copy?
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