After our lovely (and as some of you informed me, very lame) Saturday night, J and I woke up early Sunday and hit the gym. I have not missed a workout or done anything extra in months, so I am pretty proud on that front. (For those who don't know I used to be a compulsive exerciser, running 100+ miles per week.) J recently returned to working out regularly, and I am glad because I care about his health and because it is something healthy we can do together. I ate healthfully yesterday and have also done so so far today. Nothing like a new week to get me back on track.
So ya, life is good I suppose. My parents know I am not in school yet and are wanting me to go back upstate and hang out with them instead of staying here with J, so I may do that later this week. My shrink cancelled on me today, which is fine, I don't have any pressing issues and always feel awkward when I don't have anything to say. Oh, and sorry the title of this post made it sound like it would be a lot more interesting then it actually was. But hey, you read it! Bwa haha.
Hope 2009 has been good to all of you so far,
Good luck with your job interview today! I hope it goes well and you knock their socks off with your snake speech! I'm glad that you have been able to exercise in a healthy way for so long. There is such a fine line between exercising too little, exercising healthfully, and exercising too much (especially with EDs). I'm glad you have found balance. That's what I need. I do extremes - either exercise too much or not at all.
good luck with your interview. The end of this post made me smile, lol. I read the title and though, "Oh GOd, why woul dyou do that to me!" at the sight of the snake. I'm not too keen on snakes tbh lol and I was expecting some horror story or epic tale.
Ummm... thanks for the concern? But I think I'm just struggling a LOT recently, I'm on my longest strea without therapy in almost 3 years. It's not going down too well. And I'm hormonal atm and feeling AWFUL, and I'm at my heighest weight ever in my whole entire existence.
<3 V x
"I am focusing specifically on a snake in our area"
And what would that be?
The two cuddly rattlers were cute.
Hate them shrinks. Rather talk things out with a dead dog.
Haha, I went to all of my college interviews with my mohawk neatly clipped on my head or to the side... My mother kind of had a conniption when I shaved my head. Now that interviews are over I think I'm going to dye my hair pink and blue. = )
I've never had purple hair, but I'm sure it looks stellar. I like your hair cut in your photo, so with purple that'd be pretty sweet. = )
kara- thanks for the luck- I am back now, and I don't think it went great, but we'll see. Ya, the exercise thing was tough for me. I still see a fitness councelor once a week, and she and I came up with a plan like 6 months ago that she helps me to stick to. Good luck balancing!
V- hahaha, my ploy worked. yay I'm glad you smiled rather than becoming annoyed.
GAWD i hate being hromonal. and its like you kno thats how u r but like u still get upset. ya, sorry to go all mom on ya, glad to hear the level headed response..
snow- a copperhead. thats what google image told me the picture was of. and I don't mind shirnks. a little more perspective never hurt anyone.
lucinda- haha, that is friggan baller, i loves it. never had a mohawk, haha, i've just got some purple in the back. but ya, sounds rockin, good plan :)
geez I thought I posted ..I am really starting to lose am so proud of you and teh work that you are doing..I totally get thet exercise thing I went from doing maybe 90-100 miles per week to NONE, I am not allowed to exercise, but anyway, good luck but not too much luck on your interview. ANd I have to say I love the title when i first read it I thought oh my god is she okay...way to be a trickster...
love, ya
Z- haha, thanks, i do what i can :) sucks major on not being allowed to exercise at all. i can hardly imagine how frusterating that must be. i honestly kinda question the logic in that, but i think u said u had a heart condition, so that makes sense. anyways, thanks as always for the support.
sorry I've been MIA in the blogosphere this month! wanted to let you know that I am back and listening! I hope this year brings you many wonderful things.
kyla! yay I am glad to hear you are back! surely nothing but tremendous excitement could have kept you away this long- I am off to read about it :)
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