I am feeling pretty good about myself again today, but I have made the unfortunate realization that I can't lose weight on 1800 calories, so I am switching to 1600. I have also included some full-length pics of yours truly just so everyone has an idea of what I am working with in all my size 10 glory. I don't mind it, parts of it I really love, but I really think I would be more comfortable at a 6-8. So, The goal remains to lose about 15 pounds and hit the doctor-recommended "ideal" 143. The meal plan with this (like anyone really cares, but it helps me to put it in writing) is as follows:
Breakfast: Cereal and milk 240
Snack: Oatmeal, toast and egg OR fruit and yogurt 160
Lunch: Protein, whole grain, vegetable 300
Snack: Vegetable OR fruit 100
Dinner: Cook at home 600
Snack: Anything 200
My exercise routine is going to stay the same, I am going to keep using my handy little notebook, and we shall see if my weight is different in a month (currently I would guess 158.5, but I'll check tomorrow.)
In other news, I have officially accepted the dual-degree program offer. In order for that to work out, I will need to move on June 1 (yikes!)and J and I are getting really excited. My new life is about to begin! It will be a ton of work, but I am pretty sure I can handle it and still enjoy life. I will have to try harder not to get knocked up, because I'm pretty sure this precludes me being able to handle a bundle of joy. That was one of the nice parts about being sickeningly thin- when I was ammenhoriac, I knew my eggo couldn't wind up prego. Anyway, thanks again for the encouragement in taking on this responsibility- I am totally confident in the decision at this point and really happy that I will get to spend my summer in gorgeous Madison!
I'd best quit blogging now and get down to business... I have three days of very intense crunch time, but then Wednesday night I leave for my trip to the mountains!
Good vibes to all you deserving folks!
I think you look fantastic! But I know how it is when other people tell you that and you just don't see what they see. I was a size 8/10 and at my lowest weight in 2003. Slowly (but surely) I've creeped WAY back up the scale. Now that I look at pics of me when I was small I cringe to think that I was still calling myself FAT. Ugh ugh ugh!
I think your plan is solid. You may want to consider making lunch your biggest meal of the day, though. That way you're eating a light meal in the evening and not loading the cals closer to bedtime. It may or may not help. :)
First of all - you are one HOT MAMA! Oww owww. :)
Second of all, congratulations on the decision to do the dual program. I think that is a good decision. I KNOW that you will be able to handle it, but if you change your mind can't you always drop out of the public policy program once you've started?
let me just say you are totally sexy and dont need to lose an pound...you rock my socks off!!!
love, Z
You look pretty tall (along with totally sexy and hot, hehe) in these pictures... how tall are you?
OMG, you look fantastic - what are you complaining about??? lol! I'm glad to see you are in good spirits again :)
Lissa- thanks a ton :) And ya- it's crazy how one is never satisfied like that, and it takes time for views to change and such. The lunch thing is a good idea, but me n the man cook in the eve, so it's tough to eat a small dinner. Maybe one day I will be that disciplined...
Kara- Hahaha, thanks a bunch :) I'm actually pretty excited about it now- thanks so much for the encouragement. I heart the blogosphere, it makes real life so much easier to deal with.
Z- aww, thanks :) As you surely kno, I don't entirely believe that, but I'm working on it. You rock!
Kara- I'm not that tall- a little over 5'8"- but people always think I'm taller
Coke- hahaha, damn thanks man :) I feel like I should put up whiney posts like this more often- I'm loving all the good vibage I get back :P
Hun, you don't even look like size 10! You crazy. Beautiful, but crazy.
jena- aww, thanks :)
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