
Just This Side of Wild

My shrink compared me yesterday to a thoroughbred race horse. He says with such a beast, you have to "keep it just this side of wild... tame it too much and it won't run as fast, but don't tame it enough you lose control." Keeping myself stable requires a very delicate balance to be maintained. Over the years, however, I have identified certain things that help with this.
1. Actually sleeping. He says to go ahead and take a sleep aid if I have not fellen asleep in 30 minutes.
2. Being social. I am much more vulnerable to bulimic behavior when I have spent alot of the day alone.
3. Eating healthfully. This means balanced meals that I eat when I want and don't plan ahead, obsess, record, etc.
Maintaining balance and control os achievable, but it requires some attention.

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