
Lost my balance, but didn't slip


I am going home tomorrow, and I get to se J which is exciting. For some reason today I had a mad jealous wave and got all emotional this morning... rediculously unlike me. I didn't call him and be "that girlfriend" or anything, but I am glad this little separation is coming to a close.

I feel like when I don't binge for a little bit, really odd emotions start to surface. Like just spontaneous fits of euphoria or sudden uncontrollable bawling, and also weird reactions to things (i.e. jealousy after seeing how many posts he had on his Facebook wall... lame, Kim. High school ended.)

I went to the gym to try and level out, but when I got home I was still feeling pretty odd. Like anxious and upset, a bit lonely. I ate my lunch in a binge-like manner, but wouldn't call it a true binge for two reasons: 1) the total amount was large, but not in binge proportions, and 2) although I was eating from containers in front of the pantry/fridge, I wasn't eating with the desperation of a binge and didn't finish entire containers of anything.

This was a near slip-up, but now I am going to do some journaling, have a shower and put myself together, and eat a nice healthy salad for dinner later.

And definitely put on my Simon & Garfinkel.

Wish me luck!



Apple Berry said...

Sounds like you handled it well and that ultimately, this proves you're in control. A slip up over a binge is definately in the right direction I'd say.

I expect you'll have seen J by the time you post next or be a helluva lot closer to it anyway :D so yay for you!

V x

JC said...

I really admire your perspective on this, basically the logic of how it was not a binge. I can't explain how this post affected me but it really, really did. thank you. Keep well. :)

Princess said...

I love your blog...just started reading it. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the lovely comment on mine :) xoxo PP