
It's Hip to be Square

I have been back for three days from my trip and feel really fantastic. I have been really productive and healthy and J and I have been having an amazing time with one another. I have been sticking to my nutritionist's plan pretty well. It is as follows:

6 servings whole grain, 5 oz. protein, 3 servings dairy, 5 servings vegetables, 3 servings fruit, and lots and lots of water

1st meal- 300 cals.
2nd meal- 300 cals.
3rd meal- 500 cals.
4th meal- 700 cals.

Optional- 200 cals. any time/ any food

J and I have a few healthy cook books and a juicer that have been helping me a lot. When we get home in the evening, we pick something to cook, go get the stuff, and then make it together. Monday we made spinach linguine with broccoli and cherry tomato in a home-made peanut sauce. Tuesday we did a ginger-asparagus stir-fry with chicken, onion and red pepper and a side of couscous. Today we are probably going to eat leftovers and go to the book store. The last couple of nights we have also made carrot-orange-pineapple-mango juice and had some late night herbal tea. The cooking is primarily for me because going through the whole process helps me fight the ED dragon that tends to take hold at night. The juice and tea are mostly for J because he says they helps him avoid wanting to smoke or drink. We have both thus far successfully stuck to our "completely clean Monday-Thursday" plan. We also are still going to the gym together in the mornings on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I've even managed to lose a pound this way (J lost 3 already, fucking men), which is a nice bonus. My nutritionist says that if I continue with this whole healthy-lifestyle thing I will probably drop 10-15 pounds and keep it off.

So, the whole square thing has been pretty awesome so far. Of course, it is only day three, but hey, I'm only going for a Monday-Thursday thing. We haven't really decided what goes on the weekends yet- I'll let you know.

Live well all,



Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...

OMG, that is so weird - I had that hideous song in my head yesterday, lol!

DaftDragon said...

Bwa haha, a strange wave length we share- it's been boppin' around mi cabeza for a week :P

JC said...

Wow, healthy!!!

Zena said...

you are amazing!!! you come up from partying all week and then manage to get yourself back on track in a matter of days well that never ceases to amaze me..you really amaze me..gosh I wish I had your resolve..well actually I think its starting to rub off on me.

Love, Z

Anybeth said...

with recipes like that you can come on over and cook with me any time you like. sounds yummy.

DaftDragon said...

Violet- Hehe, thanks! and i suppose i should start calling you jena now? pretty name :)

Z- I am so glad to hear that you are feeling hopeful- we all get to that point of desperation and despair sometimes, but we are strong people to have made it this far and we can get back on our feet from anything. Go you!!!

Anybeth- Hehe, thanks! we're not that good yet, but we have fun, and hey if you follow the directions I suppose anyone can sort of pull it off :)

JC said...

Haha, you know, it's kind of a long story why I left the first blog and started a second alias. But I've developed a new community here with a new name and now I'm going back and forth and people are like "Jena? huh?" and "Violet? huh?" I'm pretty sure somewhere in there I've dropped readers too :( lol

You can call me whatever comes naturally! I write from "Violet" on my Idiosyncronatic blog.

Cocaine Princess said...
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Cocaine Princess said...

It takes a lot of will power which you seem to have to eat and stay healthy.

DaftDragon said...

Violet- cool. i haven't checked out your second blog yet but I will give it a look. interesting how the blogosphere sometimes helps us figure out who we are and what we're doing...

princess- thanks! so far so good... we'll see, thanks for the props :)