So since I last posted, I have been freaking out about the possibility of being pregnant. I have still not gotten my period- and here comes the TMI again- I have been constipated, had lower back pain and having hot flashes. AHH! After working myself up sufficiently, I bought a pregnancy test. FYI, those little fuckers are like $25 for two. I walked home, paced, drank some water, and went for it. Three fairly intense minutes later, two lovely little words appeared- "not pregnant". YAY! Oh, the terrors of premarital sex.

(That's me and my friend the pee stick)
In other news, life is pretty good. I have been to the gym the last three days in a row (so I have made up my skipped workout from last week). I have been following my diet plan really well this week, with some flexibility. Tonight there will be a little difficulty as I am eating dinner at a bar with J and my best friend JB and two of our friends from home, ML and KC. This is me and four guys, all of whom will be man-handling the beer and wings. I have decided 2 beers and 3-4 chicken strips (rather than a cheese burger or nachos) ought to be alright. I should not have eaten 3 cookies this afternoon (instead of my usual salad), but hey, the damage is done now, no need to make things worse or dwell. Overall, I have been very healthy with minimal ED thoughts. Oh, and I did weight the other day, and miraculously didn't gain weight. Cool.
Good news of the day: I have a new awesome source of income :) Via Craig's List, I found an opportunity to work as a tutor for a Greek girl learning English- only 4 hrs./week at $45/hr.! That's like over $700 extra a month, which is so incredibly needed. Hooray for random jobs. I have found some great stuff on The List. I highly recommend it.
I have been thinking more on the Public Policy/ Neuroscience dual degree program, and I am leaning more and more toward doing it. I really like what Kara said about asking yourself if you would regret not doing it- the answer is probably yes. The people in charge of the program said they could arrange to start paying me early, so J and I might move to Madison as soon as June. Crazy shit!
Last note: I am getting totally stoked for my upcoming trips. This weekend J and I and M and A (his bro and his bro's fiance) are going to St. Louis to see Sound Tribe Sector 9 at the Pageant and visit their sister MC. MC is in beauty school, and we are all getting facials from her and her friends at their salon in the afternoon and then going to dinner before the show. Just a nice little one-night get away. Then, I come home and have a 3-day ass pounding (lab, midterms, general college catching-up) before I get to have my very last Spring Break. J and I and M and A and some others are going to a secluded cabin out in the mountains with a hot tub and such. Lots of hiking through hills, caves, rivers, waterfalls... mushrooms... hooray!
Hope everyone is happy today :)
Random, but I love your jacket!
Thanks so much for your comment :) Wow, I never thought of the beginning of "Just Broke Up" like that but you're totally right, lol! Glad to see you're doin' well too. Yea, I think it's safe to say that we're both pretty friggin' awesome! :P
Laura- haha, thanks! I got it 6 yrs ago at a thrift store :P
Coke- Haha, glad you didn't take offense. And, I wholeheartedly agree, we are without doubt awesome. :)
$45 an hour???!!!!! Hell, I need a job like that!!!
I'm glad you liked my advice. It has served me well in my life.
I'm glad things are going well for you. Have a fabulous weekend!
Haha, I just had to mention- I think it's funny how you labeled your post "Life is Good" and the first thing you say is that you're so glad you're not pregnant! LOL
Kara- And thank you for giving it :) Appreciate the good vibage.
Jena- LOL, I totally didn't think about that... perhaps not entirely appropriate.
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