So this is probably TMI, but I'm gonna go ahead and share. Last week I skipped my period. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant (my thyroid disorder just makes my body do stupid things sometimes), but for a while I was pretty worried. I told J about the situation, and I assured him, "This isn't uncommon for me, so you really shouldn't worry." And, dun dun DAH! He says with a smile, "I wouldn't worry. I'd be excited." How freaking lucky am I? This was the most comforting, reassuring, unexpected thing I could have possibly heard. Folks, this is my guy, without doubt. No, I don't want a kid right now, but I'm so stoked. I totally love this man.
This last weekend J and I completely overhauled his apartment. We rearranged furniture, cleaned out all the junk, scoured the whole place, finally finished decorating, all that jazz. All we need now is a dining set (we're currently rocking the card table and folding chairs), which I intend to go find tomorrow. The point is, we really turned "his place" into "our home". He's making me a key this week and I am going to start moving my stuff over there. It's totally exciting.
The Neuroscience program at Madison has an option for a dual degree that includes a master's in public policy. I was initially interested, then decided not to apply, then during the interview weekend got excited about it again, then again was daunted by the workload and backed out. Now I am getting many, many emails from people in charge of the program wanting me to reconsider and go ahead and do it. The upside would be that I would have a free extra degree with the option of doing cool legal stuff related to neuroscience (stem cell laws, brain death cases, etc.) The down side is I would be in school for at least *7* more years, and would have even less life then someone just being a normal neuroscience graduate student. I'll let you all know how the situation unfolds, but I'm currently totally torn.
So, that is an update in the life of the Kim. Now, I am off to the gym (eventually) to try and get back on track with this "healthy body" stuff.
First of all - you are totally HOT in your picture!
I really admire the fact that you decided not to weigh yourself because you didn't want to get down on yourself. Sometimes I skip weighing for that reason too - because I just know that it will upset me. But other times I give in and I totally regret it because it ruins my day/week/etc. I need to be better.
Hmmmmm.... sounds like you have a big decision about this public policy degree. Sometimes the way I look at things when I'm trying to make a decision is thinking to myself, "Will I regret it if I don't do this?" Sometimes that helps me make a decision. Good luck!
I love your picture! You are so beautiful, lady!!! You are very lucky to have a guy like J in your life! He sounds like such a great match for you- so supportive and encouraging... and I love that he is prepared to think 'long term' with you. hold on to this one ;)
Kara- thanks! hmm... about deciding not to weigh myself, that was wishful thinking, I am ashamed to say. it turned out I was the same, so that's good, but perhaps in the future I'll have the discipline? we can only do so much, eh?
i really like what your saying about, would I regret this? the more i think about it, the more it seems likely that i will end up doing it, and i think what your saying is totally smart. thanks.
Jena- Aww, thanks! Oh, I know I'd better hold on to him, I'm trying my best! And I def kno how lucky I am :)
I saw your photo first and just thought, 'but it's no St. Patrick's Day, is it?!?! Have I missed it? Maybe she's just having a green day.' Then I read it, lol. And so then I understood! Locely photo though, one pretty lady, that's fo' sure. Also, I noticed, you have sun...? :O - your whather is good...:O - I'm a tad lot envious of your weather, ha ha! We have english rain and fog today - yum!
ANyway, you sound like you're doing awesomely, which, is, well, awesome - congrats on the delaying of the weghing, even if you didn't resist entirely. It's still all progress, so yay you!
love love V x
V- haha, no you haven't missed it! But I see how that would be a scare :P And thanks for the compliment, much appreciated. Ya, we've had sun on and off- but now its cold here again (37, but i dunno if you do Farenheit). Ya, I suppose it is all progress. How about all the cookies I just ate? I guess 3 instead of all of them is progress... haha
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