Today I DID manage to stick to my healthy eating plan, likely because I didn't let yesterday's disappointment get me down. I also made it to the gym again, did some work on my thesis, had another really great talk with Jeremy and got a bunch of errands done that I had been putting off. I am feeling way better! I am also feeling heartened that I will be able to go back to normal eating now that the holiday chaos has passed.
AND even though I have had some difficulty with my eating of late, I have still been doing AWESOMELY in terms of keeping clean. (FYI, my definition of 'clean' excludes booze and pot from the realm of drugs, it just means like no coke, meth, H, X and the like. I honestly would probablly still call myself clean after like acid or shrooms since they have zero abuse potential.) But yea, it has been over two months since Jeremy or I have done any of that shit, and I am proud of us.
And a little more on the relationship front... shit has definitely evolved. It has only been a short while (3 mos.) but I feel like this guy was freakin' hand-crafted for me. It's so rad, like I've never connected with another being like this outside of my madre. Oh ya, and big news- he's gonna move to Chicago (or wherever I end up) next year! He announced that that was his intent like a week ago and I was totally ecstatic/relieved because I didn't want to ask him to (resentment, etc.) but was totally wiggin' out about what would happen to us, so ya this like made my month. And I know I have to be realistic and a lot can happen and la la la, but hey for now I'm overjoyed.
That below is us after his company Christmas party wasted at a fav local spot, bwahaha. Hey, we didn't do anything shady, just ur usual Christmas cheer :)
Be healthy and love yourselves ladies and gents,
Slightly later:
Gah. How come after I eat whatever the last thing I am supposed to eat is I suddenly start stressing out about the fact that I don't have more to eat. It's like when your coke runs out and you are really upset about it even before your high wears off from the last of it. Don't worry kiddos, I'll be strong, I have eaten the proper amount today and I know how good I feel when I stay on track. I can wait until tomorrow, I will be really strong for a couple more days, and then I will be all on top of my game 100% by New Years to start this 2009 biz-nass off right. But gah, I hate the feeling and I needed another little session of blog therapy to feel on top of it.
Sending strength to allll of you (and gettin' it back whether you know it or not!)
Peace, love, nighty night :P
You are so amazing woman! And you and your man are sexy as all get out together! Much love chicka, and good job on sticking to the plan!
hehehe, thank you mucho! i am so driven by the things you say to me, the cheering on really really keeps me going!
OMG, running out of coke is the WORST!!! (I'm sure you totally did NOT expect that from ME, lol). Wow, I'm sending good karma your way so that you are accepted at U of C. That place is amazing (almost as amazing as Chicago itself!;)). Just remember to stay outta The West Side, lol
hahaha, no not at all, total shocker :P
and thanks for the good karma, I highly appreciate...i'm all nervous and whatnot
cheers :)
Sounds like you're doing great!
Haha, if you get into University of Chicago, I'm going to be so jealous - I'm applying there for undergraduate studies... It's my dream school! I'm definitely not getting in, but I'm writing my supplement today. Good luck!
= )
Hey, you've checked out my blog a few times so I'm finally getting my act together to check out yours. I can really relate to you about the overeating. It's been especially rough over the holidays. Congratulations on being clean for 2 months! Let's be blogger buddies!
PS - I have to constantly remind myself too that I can't gain 10 pounds overnight. And you are beautiful!!!!
Lucinda- best of luck to ya, don't discount yourself so soon :) haha, and if u don't end up there i wouldn't feel to bummed- i've partied there a few times n ppl who go out and are social are a distinct subculture in that sexy little nerd hub
Kara- haha, k sweet I like it! always glad to have new blogger buddies :) thanks for stopping by!
Well you are certainly beautiful, lady!! I'm inspired by your story. I too was diagnosed with Rapid Cycling BD type I. I think that going into your area of study is commendable given the circumstances and it seems like you have the inner strength to carry you a long way. Keep reaching high! :) I also really relate to your food thoughts on this post- sounds like my past few days! Try not to stress to much because as you said, not a lot can happen in a 24hr period ;)
Great progress!!! You have so much to be excited about. I understand the worry but you are getting healthier physically and mentally. It's hard work. Some people never confront, therefore never make progress.
Wishing you all the best.
Thanks for sharing the struggles and thank you so much for sharing the triumphs.
violet- thanks you much :) Ya, it definitely is hard for me to disentangle which parts of my issue are actually ed related and which are just behaviors that occur when i'm on the bottom of the cycle.
Ledemure- and thanks for reading :) seriously, it is a tremendous help to have input from so many people who can relate. also, i appreciate ur message of strength, don't we all need it?
I'm sure I left you a comment on here along the lines of:
One great huge :D
; this is fantastic news!
<3 V
V- bwahaha, hates it, computers can be infuriating. and i'm sure it was brilliant :P
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