
On Track

So yesterday I called the shrink's office to "finalize the divorce". I got no answer, so I got to enjoy the anonymity and sheepishness of voicemail. And you know what? I feel fantastic. Today was GREAT. I ate healthfully all day, I made it to the gym, I was mega productive and I am even looking forward to cooking Mexican food with J tonight. (You heard me, I WANT to eat dinner! I'm not over-stuffed or self-loathing!) This could have something to do with the fact that my weight was down this morning. Funny how that still dictates the tone of the entire day. However, one little good push is sometimes enough to start me on that path, so here to hoping. I feel like I'm finally ready to lose the excess and no more. Today, I feel healthy, happy and accepting of myself.

Tomorrow I am leaving for another interview- UW Madison. The more I think about it, the more it seems like that is the right place for me to be. (I know, I'm fickle.) Madison is a liberal town with a great music scene and amazing restaurants. It has fantastic surrounding scenery, doesn't require a car and has an intimacy larger cities lack. J would do really well there, and he would have any easy time going back to school (which he has expressed interest in doing). There are also a lot of jobs there. The only problem now is getting in- Madison is ranked really highly among Neuroscience PhD programs. Higher than my Chicago schools. I am worrying now that I will have gotten myself over-psyched now and then won't get in. Gah. I really REALLY want this... Wish me luck!


KC said...

good luck with Madison! it sounds perfect!

Anybeth said...

good luck, but I doubt you need it. It sounds like lots of schools are dying to have you, why should this be any different?????
you go girl!

Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...

Whichever you choose, I'm behind ya - although I'm a little bummed that it's not Chicago anymore, which is strange 'cause we've never even met, lol! Wisconsin is a great state though (yes, I'm from IL giving props to WI!). I swear, half the ppl there are baked at any given time:P Thanks for your comment too :D

Apple Berry said...

Oddly enough I relate to your potential getting over-psyched about a university application than I can your food story, lol. I think that's one of the first. I'm ditto-ing the excitement and NEED to get into somewhere particular, good luck.

Zena said...

good luck with madison! I hope that all your dreams come true and I am so glad you are back on track with the Ed stuff I know what a rollercoaster it can be...love ya


DaftDragon said...

Kyla- Thanks! I'm really excited!
Anybeth- Haha, thanks for the props... I try not to get myself overpsyched, this one is actually tougher than the one I already got into, but I appreciate it :)
Coke- Haha, aww! Ya, my heart aches a little for the Chi, we'll have to see where the chips fal here. And OMG- about the baked all the time thing- when I was there seeing a show a few weeks ago, J and I were like, is it cool to smoke pot in this venue? And people were like, I dunno, but it's totally cool out on the street. Hilarious. Loves it.

DaftDragon said...

V- Haha, that is a first :P And good luck to you too- it's so hard to stop like envisioning it even though we know it's completely not for sure yet. Gah!

Z- Thanks for the well wish and thanks SO much for the love :) I heart the blogosphere, it's so warm and fuzzy.

K said...

I often get my hopes up REALLY high and then I am devastated when it doesn't happen. I swing from one extreme to the other. It's awful. So I understand where you are coming from. I really hope you get into Madison though! Sending good vibes your way...

DaftDragon said...

Ya, I do the same. It seems pretty impossible not to, so here's hoping against a letdown. Thanks for the good vibes :)

Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...

I finally finished the 1st song, so as promised, here's the linky-dink:


Hope you likez :)

Zena said...

where have you been girlie ..it s been like a week...miss you

Love, Z